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I’m Huaxuan Yang. On hyang.xyz, I self-host a bunch of services (including this blog), using the finest grade gaming hardware. Here, I mostly talk about technology stuff, like Linux, programming, etc. Maybe some other content soon…

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September 14, 2023 31 words 1 min

The C Memory Allocator

C dynamic memory management from scratch

December 21, 2023 1259 words 6 min

Routing Select Docker Containers Traffic Through WireGuard

Routing Select Docker Containers Traffic Through WireGuard

September 25, 2023 781 words 4 min

Split Tunnelling for Wireguard in Linux

How to split tunnel in Wireguard on Linux

September 8, 2023 489 words 3 min

My Setup

Hello again

August 27, 2023 388 words 2 min