
This site, is hosted using a small, cheap VPS which reverse proxies back to my home computer. WireGuard is used to securely communicate with each other. The VPS runs the WireGuard “server”, which allows me to connect to the VPS without ever having to port forward. For various reasons, I also need certain container’s outbound traffic routed to WireGuard. Originally, I just routed all traffic to the VPS. This mostly worked fine. However, for whatever reason this prevented me from SSH’ing into my computer using my network connection.

My method will essentially create a WireGuard interface on the host, and do the routing with Iptables and routing policies.

Create user defined Docker Bridge

First, we’ll make a user defined bridge for Docker. You can learn more about it here.

docker network create --subnet wg

This bridge will be what the container will use to connect to the Internet, and we will use to forward container traffic to WG.

Create WireGuard interface

Do not use wg-quick for this!.

Wg-quick automatically sets routes in the main routing table depending on the AllowedIP field. For instance, if you set AllowedIP to, wg-quick will automatically setup a route which will route all outgoing traffic on the computer to the WG interface for you. Use something similar to the WireGuard’s quick start guide, which I’ll demonstrate below.

  1. Create the interface
    ip link add dev docker_wg0 type wireguard
  2. Assign address (the network will be used for this article)
    ip address add dev docker_wg0
  3. Set WireGuard configuration (Assuming your WG configuration is at /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf)
    wg setconf docker_wg0 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
  4. Finally, activate the interface
    ip link set up dev docker_wg0

Routing the traffic

This is where we will actually route the traffic to WireGuard!

Before we start, you’ll also want to do this:

ip route add dev docker_wg0

Note: This may be optional as it could have already been added when creating the interface

This tells Linux to route everything in our VPN subnet to the WireGuard interface. This is sort of what wg-quick does, assuming that the AllowedIP field is

First, we need to find the name of the docker bridge we made here

Get our Docker bridge’s name

To get the name of the bridge:

ip route show

This will list a bunch of routes configured on your computer, like this:

default via dev eno1 proto dhcp src metric 100 dev docker_wg0 proto kernel scope link src dev br-b5a8e9e3afe4 proto kernel scope link src

The bridge we defined here will have the same subnet as shown in this routing table. In this case, the name is br-b5a8e9e3afe4.

Messing with Iptables

iptables -A FORWARD -i docker_wg0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o docker_wg0 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i br-b5a8e9e3afe4 -j MARK --set-mark 5102
  1. We first let Iptables know to allow packets that are forwarded to docker_wg0.
  2. Next, we’ll masquerade packets that are going to your router (interface name may be different). We’ll also masquerade packets that are going to the docker_wg0 interface. This is so that packets can properly communicate to the WG interface, which then communicates to your router interface.
  3. Finally, we’ll mark any packets coming from br-b5a8e9e3afe4 with an arbitrary integer, such as 5102. This is used for the next step.

Messing with Policy Rules

We’ll need to make add a separate routing table for the bridge interface, which just routes everything to the docker_wg0 interface.

On /etc/iproute2/rt_tables, add the following line:

201     docker_wg

The name of the table can be anything you want, but we’ll name it docker_wg. This routing table will contain only one entry: to route everything to the docker_wg0 interface.

# Assuming that the arbitrary mark defined in the last step was 5102!
ip rule add fwmark 5102 table docker_wg

We’ll add a policy rule which tells Linux to route packets marked with integer 5102 using the docker_wg routing table.

Finally, we’ll add a default gateway for the table

ip route add default via dev docker_wg0 table docker_wg0

Routing a Docker container

Finally, to make a container route through the VPN, simply attach the wg network to the container.

Here’s an example in docker-compose.yml:

version: '3.8'

    image: nginx
      - wg

# [...]

    external: true

You can find the public-facing IP inside the container using

curl -4


Note that any configurations made with ip are not persistent! You’ll need to figure out how to persist these changes on your own, as it varies by distribution. An example would be using a service script.

Further Reading